Unlimited mobile apps for everyone! Cancel anytime.
Don't like meetings? Perfect! We've declared them extinct in our realm. Join us in the meeting free revolution where work happens sans conference rooms.
Add as many feature requests to your feature board (powered by Trello). Each feature will be done one at a time, in a few days on average.
No fluctuations, just a fixed rate you can count on. Your monthly bill stays the same irrespective of the number of requests.
Choose a plan based on your requirements
Android only
Android + iOS
To learn more about how Appynja can help you
How do I request features, bug fixes, etc?
Appynja allows you to request anything using Trello. Let's say you want to start with the Onboarding Feature of your app, you can attach a link to the Figma along with request. In case of bugfixes, you could attach a Google drive link of the screen recording showing the bug. Basically, if it can be linked to or shared in Trello, it's fair game.
How fast will I get my requests done?
On average most requests will be done within 3 days or less. Complex requests, especially where the authority lies with the respective app stores (during releases), can take longer to finish.
Is there any limit to the number of requests?
Once subscribed you will be able to add as many requests to your queue as you would like, and they will be delivered one by one.
What technology do you use to build the apps?
Most of the requests will be done using Flutter.
Are there any refunds if I don't like the service?
Due to the high quality nature of work, there will be no refunds issued.
Who are the developers?
Appynja is a one-person agency, which means that you will directly work with me, founder of Appynja.